Friday, February 25, 2011

18 Months??

Abbey turns 18 months next week!! I can't believe it! So what is this big 18 month old like??


Abbey is quickly becoming a toddler.

Abbey loves to make messes. Personally, I think it is just because she wants to take a bath.

Abbey loves to pray. Whenever she hears you say Father she immediatly folds her arms.

Abbey loves her baby doll. She won't go to bed without her. She loves to give her hugs and kisses. She has recently started to rock her baby too.

Abbey loves Jesus. It is so cute when she points to his picture and says Jesus. It just melts your heart

Abbey loves to draw. She is always grabbing pencils and paper.
Here is an example of her lovely art work

Abbey loves putting food on her head! I don't get it, but some how she always ends up with food in her hair after she eats.

Abbey loves Special Agent Oso. She will sit through an entire episode, it's the best babysitter in the world!

Abbey loves to blow her nose. This is another thing I don't get about her. She will drag me into the bathroom so I can get her a square of toilet paper and then she'll rub it on her nose. Then she proceeds to throw it on my floor. I am trying to teach her to put it in the trash can but she can't seem to understand why she should put it there. This is what happens when she tries to get it herself. I apologize that my daughter is in her pajama's and her hair is all crazy, she had just woken up.

Abbey loves to laugh! This is one of my favorite things to hear in the world.


  1. Such a great update! I love that she blows her nose, too cute!

  2. How funny is she? Seriously cutest girl in the world! Such a big personality?
