Saturday, December 3, 2011

Abbey Sayings

Abbey is talking up a storm. Her speech is getting better on a daily basis. Abbey is also a very funny little girl; she says the funniest things. These are some of my favorite things she has said:

  • Abbey loves to play Hide-and-go-Seek. One time she was hiding in the pantry with my sister Jami. They were in there for probably 3 minutes when Abbey turned to Jami grabbed both of her cheeks, looked straight at her and said "Jay, I don't think Grandpa going to find us." Poor girl is probably going to have abandonment issues.

  • Me: "Abbey, whats your favorite princess"
Abbey: "Grandpa" I don't know where she came up with
that but it happens every time, it is hilarious. (Grandpa
doesn't find it as funny as the rest of us!)

  • You want to be careful how you drive when you're with Abbey because she will critique you. My mom was driving a little fast when Abbey yelled "Slow down Nana!!" Abbey still talks about Nana and how she has to slow down.
  • If you ever ask Abbey what her name is she replies, "Abbey Campbell Jean," she can't quite grasp the fact that Jean comes before Campbell.
  • Abbey has a really hard time pronouncing my brother, Scott's, name. She always calls him Chuck. I don't know how she picked that up but it's pretty darn funny.
  • A couple weeks ago I asked Abbey what she wanted for Christmas. She looked at me and said, "umm, cake." Well I guess Christmas is going to be cheap (and delicious) this year.
  • We are trying to teach Abbey to say 'excuse me'; however, when she says excuse me it sounds more like "Shoot me." Hopefully that won't last long.
  • On Sunday, Ryan sang in church, while he was singing Abbey kept pointing at him and telling everyone "My daddy up there!" Then she would say "Good singing dad." Afterwards Abbey told her grandpa, "My daddy is a good singer," it was so cute.
  • One of Abbey's favorite foods is pancakes. I gave her a pancake one morning, and when I turned around I saw her hugging her pancake and saying "I love you pancake!"
  • Abbey came in to watch my dad brush his teeth. He has an electric toothbrush that really hums. When he turned it on, Abbey jumped back and said with a startled expression, "Whoa!" Then as he was brushing for 5 seconds, she instructed Grandpa to spit it out. When he didn't immediately comply, she yelled in a panicked voice, "Spit it out Grandpa, spit it out!". "Take a drink Grandpa." "Spit it out, SPIT IT OUT!!!" Dad had to stop the teeth brushing, remove Abbey from the spectator gallery and return, with the door closed and locked, in order to brush for longer than 5 seconds without the help of his little Dental Assistant.

Abbey is such a cute little girl, I can't wait to see what crazy things she will say next.


  1. Ben and I love this post! We were laughing so much while reading! Cute little Abbey!

  2. Your post cracked me up! I laughed out loud several times! Abbey is so adorable, and it is so fun to see how grow up she is looking.

  3. Miss Kari, I love her! She is so adorable. I promise you I am going to call you after the holidays so we can catch up. Waffles. My house. Miss you like crazy!
