Wednesday, April 6, 2011


For the last couple of months we have been trying to get Abbey to stop using her pacifier so much. We have limited her time with it. Now she can only have it when she is in the car, at church, or going to bed. Luckily for me it hasn't been too bad of a transition. Lately Abbey has been sick, so I decided that she can have her pacifier to play with and make her happy. I didn't realize how much she missed her pacifier until this happened...

Apparently she's decided that she is going to take advantage of this opportunity and get as much use out of the pacifiers as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I needed to laugh today! Thanks so much for posting, this is hilarious! The pacifier was great and now it is causing me so much anxiety about taking it away. Hayden only has it when she is in her crib, but lately she has been protesting so much after her nap that it is getting ridiculous. Eventually I just need to take it away altogether, they just love them so much it's hard!
