Thursday, August 16, 2012

Church History Museum

A couple weeks ago I took Abbey to the Church History Museum with my family.  She had so much fun!  There were so many fun activities for her to do.

 She got to make her very own rag doll!
 Here she is showing it off
 Abbey loves to see temples, and she'll always tell you that Angel Moroni is on top playing a trumpet.  She was so excited to see the Angel Moroni.

 They had a fun little car that kids could pretend to drive in, she loved playing in it.
 Abbey spent most of the time playing in the kitchen area.  They had a place where the kids could collect eggs from the hen. 

 Abbey got to color pictures too.  She thought she was so cool coloring big kid pictures.
 They had a pulpit there that Abbey absolutely loved!  She entertained all of the museum visitors by singing primary songs into the microphone.  It was so cute to watch!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Big Girl

A couple weeks ago Abbey helped my mom make her bed, she felt like such a big girl and was so proud of herself.  She made sure to show off the bed to everyone.

I think she did a very good job.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Crazy Girl

Just some crazy pictures of my little girl.

Little Miss Sassy Pants

 She LOVES this crown, she used to always wear it when she was watching TV and would get mad if you were watching TV without one.
 She wanted to play hide-and-seek, this is where we found her

 This girl loves to write her own songs, she'll sing about everything and anything.  

It's always fun to see what crazy things she'll come up with next!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Conservation Park

Ryan had work off last Monday and my Grandpa was in town, so we decided to go to the Conservation Park in West Jordan with my mom and sister.  If you've never been, you must go!  It's beautiful there, it's a garden that only plants flowers that grow well in Utah's climate.  It's so helpful to see flowers that are easy to grow, plus all the people there are so nice and knowledgeable. 

 Here's our little family at the park
 Abbey loved running around the park and looking at all the flowers.  She wouldn't even stop to pose for pictures, these are the best I got.

 She loved discovering new things by looking at the display's and flowers. 

We had such a fun day at the park and hope to do it again soon!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Daisy's Dance

Abbey loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She especially loves an episode where Daisy teaches you to dance.  Here is her doing it...

Of course Abbey was a little camera shy and it took a couple of tries to get her to dance in front of the camera.  This is my personal favorite blooper.  Keep in mind that it is noon, and no where near dinner.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

City Creek

A couple weeks ago I took Abbey to the new City Creek mall downtown.  We went with my family and my Aunt and Uncle who were visiting.  Going opening weekend may not have been the smartest idea but we still had lots of fun.  We took Trax down to the mall, I thought Abbey would love it.  Lucky for me she did!  At first she was a little freaked out and kept yelling at the train to slow down, but after a couple minutes she loved it.  Every time the train stopped she would promptly tell the train to "go fast again."  After we got off the train she even thanked the train for giving her a ride.  It was so cute!

Abbey wasn't a huge fan of any store other then the Disney Store, but she still loved City Creek.  She absolutely loved watching the water show, she was mesmerized by it. 

 Abbey was so exhausted by the end that she fell asleep in her stroller!  This never happens and I was surprised that she could sleep with all the noise going on.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Making Cookies

 On Valentines Day, I was really sick.  So my mom took Abbey and they made cookies together!  Abbey had tons of fun.  It was so much fun to hear Abbey's little side comments while I was resting in the other room.  At one point Abbey even told my little sister, Jami, that the cookies were for me because I was sick and that they would help me feel better.  She's such a little sweetheart!  Luckily my sister is awesome and took a couple of pictures of Abbey making the sugar cookies.
Abbey stopping to pose for the camera.
 Abbey loved to repeat what they were doing. For instance when they would pat the dough together she would keep saying "Pat, pat."
 Rolling out the dough, Abbey loved to do this, she didn't see why Nana had to help her though.  She thought she could do it just fine herself.
 Cutting out the shapes.  Abbey loved doing this part, she also loved putting the shapes in the middle of the rolled out dough which made making the cookies a little bit harder and  made it take a little longer.
Such a good girl, she even helped with the dishes after she was done!

Thanks Nana for helping her make the cookies, Abbey had a blast!